Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tahitian Dreams

I flew a quarter-span of the globe
to the middle of the South Pacific,
tracing the balms of coconut and vanilla
back to their island roots

I saw the Southern Cross for the first time
and I understood...
Tahitian dreams made real,
rendered in shades of aquamarine
no artist's palette could conceive...

Tiny rippling waves
greeting the sandy beach ~
a quiet meeting of land and sea.

I woke at dawn
as if summoned
to greet this precious new day.

The sun rises slowly
behind a huge bank of clouds
making a masterpiece of the sky.

Earth meets sea
and sea meets sky
the sun sets the water ablaze
as the wind caresses my tender skin.

All photos by Melinda Rothouse, Copyright 2013. For more images of my adventures in the South Pacific, please visit this link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151348420937883.1073741825.593297882&type=1&l=60ff27eee1

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